Education and Career
1969r.- Graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (ХІРЕ) in specialty radio engineering.
1975 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, defended his thesis at the Budapest Technical University.
1976 – Assistant of the Department of PIEHA KHIRA.
1988 to present – Associate professor of the Catholic Church. PEEA of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.
Educational activity
He was related to teaching practically all disciplines kaf.PEEA. At present I am a leading lecturer on disciplines “Physical and theoretical bases of designing”, “Optimization of design decisions”, Fundamentals of operation of electronic devices.
Researcher activity
He is the author of more than 60 scientific publications, including three teaching aids, 11 certificates of authorship and patents.
Social activity
Deputy dean for scientific work on a voluntary basis.
State Awards
For many years of scientific and pedagogical work and in honor of the 40th anniversary of KhIR on the day of university in 2006 was awarded the Honorary Sign of KNURE “For Merits”.
For high results in the training of qualified personnel in radio electronics for enterprises of the Dzerzhinsky district and the city of Kharkov and on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the department was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Dzerzhinsky District Council.
Publications and patents
More than 60 publications, 3 patents.