Department of designing and operating electronic devices


GlobalLogic Kharkiv Embedded TechTalk # 5

How to Have a Friday Evening for Teachers and Engineers

The best option is to come to Kharkiv Embedded Tech Talk #5

KNURE teachers from the departments of DOED, MTS and SI did so.

This Friday’s theme is How we port Android 10 to Orange PI.

 Thanks to the efforts of Globallogic Ukraine engineers, an existing Embedded Comunity was created.

The staff of the DOED department thank separately Oleksiy Oguy for supporting Embedded development in Kharkiv.

The Android GloDroid Port Project is open so anyone can join it through GitHub


Global Logic Ukraine engineers shared their experiences and results on porting Android 10 to Orange Pi Plus 2E, as well as the latest possible software applications for OrangePi based on the newly migrated Android BSP.

Android 10 open source on the Orange Pi is already a reality

GlobalLogic Kharkiv Embedded TechTalk # 5