Mitigation of quarantine will not yet affect the KhNURE
On the night of May 21-22, the Cabinet of Ministers issued a new decree on the introduction of adaptive (weakened) quarantine. The new decree No. 392, adopted on May 20 and is called “On the establishment of quarantine to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the mitigation of anti-epidemic measures in Ukraine”. The full text can be viewed at the link.
So, rather – on May 25th – only kindergartens will open. The remaining events were postponed on June 1.
In particular, the new restrictions do not provide for the opening of gyms and fitness clubs from May 22 or 25. The right to make decisions on their launch was transferred to local authorities, but not earlier than June 1 and with a sufficient number of tests in the region. In addition, group classes should bring together no more than 10 people.
In KhNURE quarantine was extended until June 22, 2020, by order of the rector No. 18/3 of 05.22.2020. Student health is our #1 priority.