Department of designing and operating electronic devices


Teachers of the DOED Department took part in the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference MC & FPGA

Associate Professor of the DOED Department Zaichenko Olga and Senior Lecturer of the Department Galkin Pavlo participated in the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference MC & FPGA, which is currently taking place at the Department of MTS KNURE. The teachers adequately represented the direction of the built-in control systems based on the FPGA and the CC2530. Olga Borisovna Zaychenko presented a report on “Testability for FPGA”, and Pavel Viktorovich Galkin on “Design node for WSN” – for wireless sensor networks. Vahid Meghgadi, Professor of the Université de Limoges, Faculté des Sciences and Techniques, was interested in the development of the DOED Department.

Teachers of the DOED Department took part in the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference MC & FPGA