Department of designing and operating electronic devices


The DOED Department continues to work on career guidance for students. A meeting with RWA Automatics employees took place

Career guidance for students is an important task when preparing a modern engineer. This Monday, teachers and students of the department DOED visited company Railwayautomatic.

The meeting was productive enough. Students were introduced to the concepts of designing automated control systems and microprocessor control systems for railway transport. Students saw a modern approach to design in eplan.

The constant exchange of information on trends in the field of automation, allows to be in a constant tone and have time to update their curricula. Students can also work on diploma projects with consulting from enterprise engineers.

The staff of the DOED department is also grateful to railwayautomatic company for the opportunity of such cooperation.

RWA is a professional engineering company that has been working in the markets for the automation of train control systems for over 18 years.

The DOED Department continues to work on career guidance for students. A meeting with RWA Automatics employees took place