Department of designing and operating electronic devices


The results of the survey of higher education applicants of the 2nd level (masters) of the OP of the Academy of Sciences about the quality of their studies

The survey of level 2 higher education applicants (masters) of the Higher Education Institution of Ukraine on satisfaction with the quality of their studies has been completed. 22 students took part in the anonymous survey.

The results of an anonymous survey of higher education applicants of the Higher Education Institution of Ukraine regarding the quality of their studies: – completely satisfied – 45.45%, (10 students) – partially satisfied – 54.55%, (12 students) – not satisfied – 0%. (0 students).

It can be argued that the creation of effective feedback is the basis of student learning, because feedback is a tool that gives an idea of how the learning process is going, informs the department and teachers about the achievements and problems of students, allowing to determine the level of goal achievement and solving educational tasks.